The Four Pillars

We have a brand new school song that was debuted at our Official Opening on 20th November.

Four Pillars
Verse 1:
Be kind to yourself; be kind to each other
For kindness is key whether he or a she.
Be kind to all those that you already know;
Be good to all strangers, treat them not like foe.
Verse 2:
Make time for yourself; make time for each other.
And take time to care for your community.
Be proud of yourself as you step into the world;
Do all that you can to help bring unity.
Chorus 1:
Creatively, we all can be
That little seed that grows into a dream
We stand as one; like pillars of hope
A team yet unique as one family
The Lyceum Team as one family.
Chorus 2:
Confidently, we all can be
That little seed that grows into a dream
We stand as one; like pillars of hope
A team yet unique as one family
The Lyceum Team as one family.
Written by Sarah Denton

2nd December 2019

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