Nursery provision at The Lyceum is offered in the newly renovated Hopes and Dreams Montessori Nursery round the corner on Paul Street.

The Lyceum is part of the Dukes Education family of nurseries, schools and colleges. As part of the family, we work together and draw on the strengths of our neighbours and fellow educational providers.

Since Hopes and Dreams Montessori Nurseries joined the family we have been working very closely together to give children in both settings the best start in life.

Hopes and Dreams opened its first location on City Road 24 years ago and cares for and educates babies and toddlers from the age of three months to five years when they are ready to start school. The nursery is opening a second site round the corner on Paul Street which has undergone extensive renovation and refurbishment and is now a beautiful, peaceful education-focused space in the heart of the City.

Preparing your child for school

With such excellent facilities on our doorstep, we can offer your child the most specialist and age-appropriate provision until they are ready to start Reception.

You and your family will still receive all the benefits of a Lyceum education, including priority entry into our Reception class. The Nursery children will also enjoy wonderful cross-age group activities and opportunities: playing with the Reception class and going on trips together, being read to by older children at The Lyceum, and watching assemblies and performances here.

What does priority entry mean?

Priority access means that a pupil at one Dukes nursery or school enjoys preferential entry to another, but it is not a guarantee of acceptance. A child that meets the eligibility criteria to join another Dukes school moves straight to the front of the queue. This means that your child may be able to jump the waiting list to confirm a place. Please talk to one of the teachers or the nursery manager to learn more.

Find out more

Hopes and Dreams Montessori Nursery offers wrap around care year-round, 8am-6pm.

If you are interested in visiting the nursery or finding out more, you can speak to our Admissions Manager: or 020 7247 1588.