We are passionate about sport at The Lyceum and, over the past few years, have seen increased ambition and drive from our pupils. We are fortunate to have an excellent team of PE teachers at The Lyceum; professionals committed to deliver motivating and challenging lessons for our students, whilst following the objectives of the National Curriculum.

At The Lyceum, children master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching – all of which help to improve their balance, agility and coordination. They develop attacking and defending tactics through participation in team games including rugby, basketball, netball, football, tennis, cricket, athletics and rounders. During dance and gymnastics classes, pupils develop their rhythm and agility, reproducing movement patterns in addition to learning and choreographing routines.

Many of our sporting lessons take place off site – we have excellent connections with local facilities and regularly use The Artillery Grounds on City Road, Shoreditch Power League and the tennis courts and swimming pool at Golden Lane Leisure Centre. Compulsory weekly swimming lessons are provided for all children in Years 3 to 6 and are taught by specialist swimming teachers.

Pupils enjoy competing in inter-house and competitive fixtures and tournaments across the academic year; these begin at from Key Stage 1 with increasing opportunities as they go further up through the school. Our extensive extra-curricular sporting programme takes place throughout each term and pupils have taken part in external competitions in events including ballet and judo.

Each year, the whole school (as well as parents and teachers) take part in a fun-filled Sports Day at Mile End Stadium, competing to bring home the House Trophy.