We are passionate about doing what we can to look after the natural world.

Our Eco Council

Our children are leading the charge! Each year group has an eco-champion who meet twice a term with our eco lead to develop and implement new initiatives.

They’ve made sure our classrooms all have food waste and recycling bins, lead awareness assemblies and support our termly Sustainability Weeks.

Embedding a culture of sustainability

It is extremely important that we build a culture in school where we all care for the world around us and educate ourselves about sustainability. Our topic-based curriculum is the perfect vehicle to do this and in the last year our pupils have learned about the Amazon rain forests, polar ice caps and climate change.

Sustainability weeks

While elements of sustainability are interwoven in our day-to-day, we draw specific focus to issues in themed Sustainability Weeks. Led by our Eco Council, these weeks educate and inspire action – our pupils have organised local litter pics, no tech days and even an eco-fashion show.

Our partnership with HyScore

To support us to make a real difference with energy consumption, we have partnered with tech company HyScore to install smart meters across the school.

Their IoT platform drives intelligent monitoring and communication of our energy usage to help us make informed and impactful decisions.