Across all age ranges, pupils enjoy a diverse and exciting topic-based curriculum.

Our topic-based approach is integrated with the National Curriculum, providing broad and balanced cross curricular opportunities that help to develop a strong work ethic, emphasising independent thinking and learning skills. Children work within broad topics which draw on many subjects including English, Geography, History and Art.

Where there are strong links, the main topic is taught across the curriculum but where lessons do not link with the topic, these are taught discretely. This topic-based method inspires the children to fully immerse themselves in the topics and, by providing a holistic approach to education, it enables vital connections to be made so that a pupil’s understanding of the world can be fully developed.

Autumn 2024 topics

To gain an insight into what’s being taught this term, take a look at our year group specific topic webs:



At The Lyceum, we have developed a method of teaching that not only covers the objectives in the National Primary Curriculum but inspires our pupils to develop a life-long love of reading and writing. Children at The Lyceum are empowered to develop their skills and vocabulary in order to write and speak confidently, eloquently and creatively. We teach our pupils using methods that encourage reading for pleasure and allow the children to enjoy a range of genres and texts. Our pupils are given the opportunity to develop their writing, reading, grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting skills on a daily basis.


Word reading skills are taught using the Letters and Sounds curriculum in the Early Years Phase and throughout KS1. Our phonics lessons provide pupils with the skills to decode words in order to read fluently and to break down words in order to spell confidently. We use games, songs, puppets and many other methods to engage the children in reading and spelling.


Reading skills and comprehension are taught and practised every day at our school. The children have the opportunity to read as a class, within groups and one to one with their teacher. Each child is given a reading diary in which parents and teachers can communicate about their progress. Children are encouraged to read a wide range of high quality texts which challenge their reading skills and develop their knowledge. We believe that varied and regular reading is the basis for promoting a life-long love of reading, as well as developing interesting and vibrant writing skills.


As with our approach to teaching reading, our pupils are given opportunities to write about a wide range of subjects and high quality texts. Our lessons allow the children to develop a vast vocabulary which they can draw on to write across a range of genres, for a range of purposes and for a range of readers. The children learn precursive handwriting in Year 1 which gives them the basis to develop fully joined, cursive handwriting as they move through the school. Presentation is very important to us at The Lyceum and we encourage all pupils to take pride in their work.


We use the Read Write Inc spelling scheme which follows the Primary National Curriculum and gives the children the opportunity to practise key spellings on a daily basis. During our English lessons, we expose pupils to a wide range of vocabulary so that they are able to use and spell words above and beyond the age expected standard.

Spoken Language

At The Lyceum, we place a great deal of emphasis on ensuring that all our pupils are given a wealth of experiences with which to live out and perform their work. From the Foundation Stage onwards, a rich Speech and Language programme ensures that all pupils are given the necessary skills with which to communicate and articulate their ideas.  We incorporate lots of opportunities for pupils to perform; whether it be in class or on stage in productions and class performances.

We also recognise that the knowledge and skills found in our English lessons cross over into many other curriculum subjects.  We make the most of these opportunities in order that our pupils can achieve their very best.


The National Curriculum for Mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils become fluent, reason mathematically and can solve problems. We believe that a high quality Mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

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At The Lyceum School, we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. Our aim is to equip our children with the key working scientifically skills, knowledge and vocabulary motivated by our core skills of active learning, basic skills and creative thinking.

Our Science curriculum is shaped by the National Curriculum for Science, our school values and the ethos at The Lyceum. Our Science curriculum aims to ensure that all children:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics
  • Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of scientific enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • Are equipped with the scientific skills required to understand the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.

We plan for ‘working scientifically’ skills to be built-on and developed throughout a child’s time at the school so that they can make connections in their learning and become thinkers and investigators. This will enable them to apply their knowledge of Science when using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments and explaining concepts confidently. We aim to plan and provide opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence, to be reflective, responsible and to ask questions.

Across the school, continuous progression is at the heart of our curriculum design. Science lessons are planned to be a part of the concept-based enquiry questions, where possible these are made cross-curricular. Children are given the opportunity to use a variety of data, such as statistics, pictures and photographs. ICT, reading, writing, speaking and listening are strongly developed through Science. Where meaningful links are not possible, Science is taught as a discrete subject to ensure the quality and integrity of the core subject can be upheld. The structure of Science lessons allows for the incremental acquisition of skills and knowledge and time to address misconceptions. There is a strong focus on providing children with opportunities to apply their knowledge.

Assessment is on-going throughout the learning process and includes observing children at work, questioning, class discussions, quizzes, written and verbal feedback, practical sessions to apply knowledge and skills, and independent learning in books.

Our annual Science Week is an integral part of the school’s Science provision. Our Science Week allows for further opportunities to work alongside local secondary and primary schools, external providers, local and national businesses and be part of the British Science Week.


At The Lyceum, we believe a child’s developing mind is enriched by exposure to different languages. This provides them with invaluable social and cultural experiences, and lays the foundation for future language learning as well as preparing them for life in a multi-cultural society. We aim to introduce children to another language in a way that is enjoyable and fun, and to stimulate and encourage children’s curiosity.

Children are taught Spanish from Nursery through to Year 6 by native Spanish speakers. For EYFS and Key Stage 1 pupils, these lessons are taught through a combination of songs, games and conversational puppets. For pupils in Key Stage 2, lessons comprise asking and answering questions, expressing opinions, playing games and appreciating stories. The pattern and sounds of the language are explored through songs, poems and rhymes. We provide a blend of spoken, listening, reading and written skills in Spanish which consolidate and broaden pupils’ knowledge as they progress through the school.


Latin and Classical Civilisation is an exciting part of The Lyceum curriculum with lessons being delivered from a specialist to pupils from Years 3 to 6. We aim to provide an enriching introduction to Latin by mixing the language with stories about Greco-Roman myths and Roman culture.

We study Latin in a straightforward, simple way as learning ancient languages can be a daunting prospect! We cover simple nouns, verbs and adjectives, using a variety of resources including ‘Minimus’ and ‘Telling Tales in Latin’.

The curriculum aims to prepare our students for further study of Latin and the Classical world in their subsequent secondary education. Many independent schools in and around London have strong Classics Departments and therefore an introduction during their prep school years provides them with a strong foundation in the subject.

We believe the study of Latin is beneficial in other areas of the curriculum too; it is especially useful in the development of English because it solidifies and strengthens pupils’ understanding of grammar.

Our aim is to bring the Roman world to life, through trips such as visiting the Verulamium in St Albans and the remains of the Roman Wall around the City of London. The study of Latin at The Lyceum School fosters a long-lasting interest in the Classical world through a fun and engaging curriculum, combining language and the ancient world in which it was spoken.


Within the humanities subjects, History and Geography, is where Topic learning really comes to life. Children are introduced to new and exciting topics every term allowing us to integrate meaningful day trips and residentials which enable the children to immerse themselves fully into the topic. For example, during their study of the Victorians, Years 3 and 4 visit well-known historical sites in London, attending the Ragged School Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum among others, as well as spending a few days away living as Victorian children. They may use English lessons to write from the perspective of a young Victorian orphan and study the Charles Dickens’ classic Oliver Twist.

Through their studies of World War 2, pupils in Years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to hear first-hand from a London evacuee, attend the Imperial War Museum, Docklands Museum, the Churchill War Rooms and HMS Belfast, before ‘evacuating’ to the countryside to live on a farm for a week. While away, children wear traditional clothing of the time, live on rations, learn to darn, tend to crops and muck out the livestock. Back in school, children design propaganda posters in Art, study suitable materials in Science for making fighter planes and army uniforms and study Anne Frank’s diary and ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ in English lessons.

We are very passionate about our ‘living history’ trips as we believe that the children gain so much from living and breathing these experiences.

Similarly, our topics that have a geography stance allow for the children to partake in numerous activities and trips. The Geography topics have a global theme and throughout their time in the school, the children would have studied all the major continents; this allows them to have a global view. Included in this is topic work are environmental studies, where we look at the human impact, both positive and negative, on global ecosystems.

The final topic at the end of Year 6 (comparing and contrasting London to a European city) sees them put their Spanish language skills to the test as they are taken abroad to Spain. Previous years have been spent in Barcelona where the children study the architecture of Antoni Gaudí as well as works of Joan Miró and Pablo Picasso. At school, they draw on their first-hand experiences to create pieces inspired by these artists including skills such as learning how to mosaic. During this topic, music lessons focus on classical Spanish guitar and traditional Spanish dancing takes place too.

PSHE Education (Personal, Social and Health) and RSE (Relationship and Sex Education)

PSHE and RSE are planned programmes of learning through which children acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives successfully – now and in the future.

PSHE and RSE lessons are covered through a whole-school scheme called Jigsaw. Jigsaw adopts a mindful approach bringing together Personal, Social, Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development.

PSHE is taught once a week, where our teachers tailor the lessons to the children’s needs in an age-appropriate way.

All year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time. This enables each Puzzle to start with an introductory assembly, enabling learning to be celebrated by the whole school in a meaningful way.

There are six Puzzles in Jigsaw designed to progress in sequence from the beginning of each academic year:

Autumn Term 1: Being Me in My World

Autumn Term 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)

Spring Term 1: Dreams and Goals

Spring Term 2: Healthy Me

Summer Term 1: Relationships

Summer Term 2: Changing Me (including Sex Education)

Each Puzzle has six Pieces (lessons) which work towards an ‘end product’, for example, The School Learning Charter or The Garden of Dreams and Goals.

Each Piece has two Learning Intentions: one is based on specific PSHE learning and the other based on emotional literacy and social skills development.

In addition to our PSHE Jigsaw curriculum, The Lyceum offers support and adapts its PSHE curriculum in the following areas: E-Safety, SEND, school council; as well as developing the emotional literacy of its pupils through Anti-Bullying Week.


The Relationships and Healthy Me Puzzles (units) cover most of the aspects in the guidance but these are enhanced, revisited and foundations built throughout the Jigsaw Programme.

Health Education in Jigsaw embraces not only physical health but has a strong focus on mental health and emotional literacy throughout, and empowers children to be aware of their own thoughts and feelings and know how to manage and regulate these e.g.using Calm Me Time (mindfulness and well-being techniques).

Please see the parent guide and the long-term mapping document to see the progression of objectives year-on-year.

PSHE RSE A Guide For Parents 2021

Jigsaw Content Overview

Jigsaw 3-11 and Statutory Relationships and Health Education

RSE Policy

Knowledge Organisers


Religious Education (RE)

At The Lyceum, we pride ourselves on reflecting and learning about the diverse and multicultural community of our staff and families.

Our aim is to promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural and intellectual development of all pupils. This is achieved through exploration of a range of religion and human experiences which raise fundamental questions of belief and value.

Weekly RE lessons take place from Years 1 to 6 with many topics also being covered in whole-school assemblies. Our children enjoy taking part in discussions, drama activities, themed days and class trips, as well as hearing from guest speakers who visit the school.

RE lessons contribute to promoting ‘British Values’ and help prepare pupils for life in modern, multicultural Britain. Pupils are encouraged to ask questions and to recognise the rights of others to hold their own views.

The children are encouraged to be free thinkers and challenge questions about meanings and purpose in life, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be a global citizen. In RE lessons, children learn about (and from) many world religions as well as philosophical stances such as Humanism.


At The Lyceum, we see computing as an essential part of our children’s learning in order to prepare them for the challenge of a rapidly developing and changing technological world, as well as to creatively enhance their learning across the curriculum. We have a large number of laptops, tablets, interactive whiteboards and other technology throughout the school and our children have access to a wide range of online learning content such as Mathletics (Reception to Year 6) and Planet Bofa (Key Stage 2).

In all year groups we aim to develop ICT skills, building upon previous experiences and developing them further. To prepare children for secondary school, pupils in Years 5 and 6 are given school email accounts and are encouraged to submit some work online as well as communicate with their teachers via email.

We take Internet Safety very seriously and teach and remind children how to be safe online. This is done through workshops, assemblies and through our E-Safety week. Our aim is for all our pupils to have the ability to manage themselves safely online both in school and outside.


We encourage our pupils to develop a love of the arts, and drama is encouraged and promoted across the school. Pupils take part in drama activities through English and Topic lessons, and we make use of external companies who hold workshops with different age groups. Through our topic-based learning, the children take on the roles of historical characters, with pupils in Years 3 to 6 attending residential trips ‘in character’. Examples of this include living as Victorian orphans, World War 2 evacuees and Tudor peasants.

Each year, the children in Nursery and Reception display their talents in the Christmas Nativity. Years 1 and 2 re-enact the Easter story and full-scale productions are held in Spring or Summer Term involving all children in Key Stage 2.

In the Summer Term, Year 5 and 6 take part in workshops with West End performers before watching a matinee performance of a show. In recent years, we have taken part in a Lion King movement workshop run by Disney and a Matilda drama workshop led by the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Many children attend LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) lessons and perform extremely well in examinations.