At The Lyceum, we have developed a method of teaching that not only covers the objectives in the National Primary Curriculum but inspires our pupils to develop a life-long love of reading and writing. Children at The Lyceum are empowered to develop their skills and vocabulary in order to write and speak confidently, eloquently and creatively. We teach our pupils using methods that encourage reading for pleasure and allow the children to enjoy a range of genres and texts. Our pupils are given the opportunity to develop their writing, reading, grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting skills on a daily basis.


Word reading skills are taught using the Letters and Sounds curriculum in the Early Years Phase and throughout KS1. Our phonics lessons provide pupils with the skills to decode words in order to read fluently and to break down words in order to spell confidently. We use games, songs, puppets and many other methods to engage the children in reading and spelling.


Reading skills and comprehension are taught and practised every day at our school. The children have the opportunity to read as a class, within groups and one to one with their teacher. Each child is given a reading diary in which parents and teachers can communicate about their progress. Children are encouraged to read a wide range of high quality texts which challenge their reading skills and develop their knowledge. We believe that varied and regular reading is the basis for promoting a life-long love of reading, as well as developing interesting and vibrant writing skills.


As with our approach to teaching reading, our pupils are given opportunities to write about a wide range of subjects and high quality texts. Our lessons allow the children to develop a vast vocabulary which they can draw on to write across a range of genres, for a range of purposes and for a range of readers. The children learn precursive handwriting in Year 1 which gives them the basis to develop fully joined, cursive handwriting as they move through the school. Presentation is very important to us at The Lyceum and we encourage all pupils to take pride in their work.


We use the Read Write Inc spelling scheme which follows the Primary National Curriculum and gives the children the opportunity to practise key spellings on a daily basis. During our English lessons, we expose pupils to a wide range of vocabulary so that they are able to use and spell words above and beyond the age expected standard.

Spoken Language

At The Lyceum, we place a great deal of emphasis on ensuring that all our pupils are given a wealth of experiences with which to live out and perform their work.  In the Foundation Stage, a rich Speech and Language programme ensures that all pupils are given the necessary skills with which to communicate and articulate their ideas.  We incorporate lots of opportunities for pupils to perform; whether it be in class or on stage in productions and class performances.

We also recognise that the knowledge and skills found in our English lessons cross over into many other curriculum subjects.  We make the most of these opportunities in order that our pupils can achieve their very best.