Mrs Taggart

Mrs Taggart trained very close to The Lyceum at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, gaining a First-Class Honours Degree in Stage Management and Technical Theatre. It was during her time at Guildhall that she met Mr Taggart, who was training as a classical actor. Throughout her degree course, and for a few years after, she worked on various large West End shows including We Will Rock You, Joseph and Oliver.

After a number of years in the theatre world, working very late into the evenings, Mrs Taggart decided a career change was the path to follow. She took a job as an Assistant Teacher and, shortly after, was accepted onto a prestigious Graduate Teacher Programme, being thrown in the deep end with a Year 5/6 split class. During her training, she achieved outstanding in all areas and gained Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

Mrs Taggart has taught in both state and independent schools in every year group within Key Stage 1 and 2. She particularly enjoys the challenge of working with older pupils and preparing them for the 11+ and secondary school transfer. Mrs Taggart is The Lyceum’s Safeguarding Lead and oversees the pastoral care of all the children at the school; ensuring children feel safe and happy is something she is deeply passionate about.

Outside of school, Mrs Taggart enjoys spending time with her young family and pets, as well as travelling, cooking and gardening.

19th March 2021

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