Art Week

This week at the Lyceum School it has been Art Week. Each year group from Nursery to Year 6 took part in various activities including street art tours, graffiti painting, charcoal drawing, clay shaping, mural designing and so much more!

The children took inspiration from the street art in their local area in East London and saw a famous work of Banksy in Brick Lane! The children have been working on their own street art either on the chalk wall outside, and the younger children created their own graffiti using crayons!

We were extremely lucky to have two of our amazing parents come in to hold sessions with the children. 

David is an Executive Creative Director with an impressive portfolio of clients. He draws his creative ideas from the world around him and designed a tour for all the children to go out to see London Street Art. On their return, he tasked Years 5 and 6 to create their own wall art for our graffiti wall. He taught them about the creative process and what they needed to do to turn their ideas into a finished piece. The children then worked together to create some brilliant murals depicting their idea of Iconic London. These will be displayed on the website shortly; I think Bansky would be very impressed!

David also worked with the younger children in school to design their own posters of the city. The message that came across most strongly to me from his talks was that being creative is not about being able to draw well, it is about brainstorming, making connections and working together as a team. I wonder if any of our young people will consider going into the design industry following his lessons. 

Rebecca is a contemporary artist who focuses on the human figure, through observation, portraiture and life work. She achieved a distinction in Art foundation in Oxford before moving to Edinburgh to complete a 5 year Masters in Fine Art.

This week she has been teaching the older children to sketch portraits of famous London icons and some of the resulting pictures look like GCSE portfolio work. Year 3 and 4 were taught how to create portraits using charcoal. Everyone worked hard to produce portraits of famous artists such as: Stella McCartney, David Bailey and Damien Hirst. The younger children have been making models of London features out of recyclable materials and using clay relief tiles to create famous London buildings and bridges.

17th May 2019

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