11+ Results 2024

boys on a laptop

Congratulations Year 6! We are delighted to share this year’s 11+ results.

This year, 7 pupils  sat exams for top independent schools in the country achieving 15 offers from 9 different schools.

Speaking on the pupils’ success, Headmaster Mr Stanley said:

“After many months of hard work the children have received a terrific number of offers from a number of excellent senior schools across London.

I am very proud of each and every one of them and it shows that hard work, a calm head and dedication will achieve success. A massive thank you to all their teachers over the years who have prepared them for this journey.”

School Number of Offers
Alleyn’s 1
Bedford School 1
City of London School 1
Forest School 2
Francis Holland Regent’s Park 1
Highgate 1
North Bridge House 4
Queen’s College 2
Wetherby 2


8th March 2024

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