Sports Relief

The Lyceum School had an extremely sporty week to celebrate and raise awareness for Sports Relief on 13th March. Peter Bakare, an Olympic Volleyball player visited the school last Thursday, he worked with Years 1-6 on an exercise circuit, it was great to see the majority of the school working out! The children was very impressed how high he could jump! He then held an assembly discussing how hard you have to work to reach your goals. It was a very inspiring day, thank you so much for visiting our school. 

Throughout the entire week, there were inter-house tournaments throughout year groups with different types of sport such as netball, football and benchball. The house who won these events then went on to receive more housepoints.

All of the sporting initiatives that Mr. Sayers has introduced are certainly paying off, and we were extremely proud of our Year 3 boys’ football team who played so well against St Paul’s Cathedral school on Wednesday afternoon. They drew the first match 5:5 and won the second most convincingly with a 4:0 lead.

On Friday, the children all dressed up in sporting outfits and raised money for the charity Sport Relief. The Early Years children headed to the Artillery Ground where they played various games and enjoyed a sport filled afternoon. 

We extend a big Thank You to Mr Sayers and Mr Lopez for organising such a fantastic week of sport for Sports Relief.

19th March 2020

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