Our first week adjusting to the “new normal”

Last Monday, we welcomed back Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. It has been wonderful to hear the sound of children laughing and playing on the Astroturf again and seeing just how happy the returners are to be back. One of the Nursery children said every day of school is the best day ever!

Following Government advice, our year groups are currently in ‘bubbles’. Our bubbles have no more than 15 pupils in and have two assigned adults. They are not allowed to mix between the bubbles so everything is contained.

We have created two outdoor classrooms where the children can enjoy lessons outside, as well as enjoying our outdoor space and have enjoyed going to the park.

On arrival, each member of staff and every child’s temperature is checked. We also currently have staggered drop-off and pick-up time to ensure social distancing measures during these chaotic times continues to happen.

Children who have returned have very much enjoyed seeing their classmates and class teacher. They also get to catch up on Zoom, with their classmates who are not in school in the afternoons.

We hope that we can invite our other year groups back into school soon too so we can be one big family again!

8th June 2020

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