Computer Science Week 2022

2 students clicking onto the laptop

This week the school has been a-buzz with all things computer science!

We are keenly aware of the impact that technology continues to have on almost every aspect of our daily lives and want our children to be well-equipped digital natives.

This week at The Lyceum we have placed a special emphasis on IT, embedding technology even more so than usual across our curriculum and activities. From specialist workshops to guest speakers, our pupils have been able to explore a whole host of digital themes.

Year 1 and 2 looked at creating digital media – Year 1 recreated famous digital artwork taking inspiration from Matisse’s colourful collages and Year 2 explored creating music digitally.

Years 3 and 4 were lucky to have a special guest talk about Google’s ‘Teachable Machine’ and a fun interactive session afterwards.

Years 5 and 6 also enjoyed a guest speaker talk all about how to be an ‘internet legend’. They learned how to think critically and how to be alert, secure and kind online as well as considering how we can use the internet to be a force for good.

Year 5 also looked at digital imagery while Year 6 had a fun introduction to 3D modelling.

Thank you to our parents who gave up their time to share their expertise with our pupils.

30th September 2022

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