Reflections on this half term

teacher looking down at a student

After a fantastic first half term back at The Lyceum, Mr Stanley wanted to find out what our children’s highlights have been.

Here are each class’ thoughts:

Dani in Reception

“I love everything about school – my favourite is running around and playing with my friends.”

Davy in Year 1

“I have loved STEAM lessons. I love going to the classroom and we have been making games on the computer.”

Anna in Year 2

“I have really liked my English lessons. I love reading and writing and I have really enjoyed reading Leaf as our class reading book – it is a really fun story.”

Vera-Laine in Year 3

“My favourite thing this term has been our Computing lessons with Mr Clifford. We have been doing some coding and make colourful fitbits and it has been really fun. I have loved designing my own game and I am going to try and design one over half term. I have also enjoyed my art lessons with Mrs Ufland and having our own sketch books which she has given us.”

Nina in Year 4

“I loved our trip to the Design museum – we saw an exhibition, we used laptops and explored the galleries that were there. It was really fun looking at all the clothes. I also enjoyed taking part in our Assembly on Harvest.”

Ed in Year 5

“I have loved everything about this term. I have enjoyed all my lessons but my favourite thing was our trip to Portland Place where we tried on VR headsets and did some science experiments. I have also loved coding in the STEAM studio and every day has been great.”

Evie and Melanie, our Heads of School in Year 6

“Our drama lessons have been great fun but my highlight of the term has been our Crime and Punishment workshop which was amazing.”

“Since I have been in Year 6, my favourite thing has been our STEAM lessons where we have been making robots and programming them so they can move – it has been a lot of fun.”

13th October 2023

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