Spotlight on: STEAM

The pupils of The Lyceum have come back from half term with a mission – to be even more hard working hard and creative!


Reception have been taking on challenges to build things using some very complicated Lego and have risen to the occasion, not only creating wonderful objects but doing so in partners and then showing them and talking about them afterwards.

Year 1

Victorian style automata (a moving mechanical device) are what Year 1 have been designing and learning about and will soon be building and decorating. The themes they have chosen are creative, appropriate and personal. In Computing they are learning about and coding Microbits – microcontrollers that can do almost anything.

Year 2

Year 2 have been designing, coding and building plywood rockets that can make music, do a countdown and make flying noises. This is a hard challenge but they have taken it on with relish and glee.

Year 3

Not to be outdone, Year 3 have been designing, making and coding a buzz wire game from the 70s based on the theme of cities. The games even have rewards for doing well and sounds that motivate you to try harder and improve next time you play. They are also designing these to be collapsible so they can be taken home safely at the end of the year!

Year 4

Year 4 are designing and building an ‘Imagination machine’ that helps you when you can’t find that creative spark – what a range of fantastic ideas they have! Some are text based, some icon based, some use electronics whereas others are mechanical and one is even based on a fidget spinner. Some are modifying the code they have been creating in Computing that creates poetry based on words that they have programmed in with some containing 243 combinations of possible sentences.

Year 5

We have gone out of this world with Year 5 as they design, build and test Mars rovers. They have researched the ones built by NASA and the environment that they have to operate in and we will recreate these if possible and test how well they do.

As well as coding the robots, Year 5 will be coding music using a range of different software and different genres. They may well use it as background music to the video we create of their Mars rovers whilst they go through their paces.

Year 6

Year 6 have become artists this half term. In STEAM they have researched and are now designing Kinetic Art pieces and hope to have an exhibition (real or virtual) at the end of term or beginning of next year. Some run on electrical power whereas others use wind and one even incorporates water. For Computing they are coding geometry and creating more artworks that use geometric algorithms to create colourful and striking abstract pieces.

17th November 2023

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