Off the back of last week’s science week, year groups took inspiration from their science lessons and created some beautiful art as part of their learning.
Linking Science Week with Art, Year 1 looked at the biologist Linda Brown Buck. They produced some amazing drawings showing how our sense of smell triggers an electric signal sending messages to the brain about the items we are smelling.
Year 2 were looking at Elizabeth Garrett Anderson for Science week, who was a Physician and Surgeon. They made their own mannequins dressing them with the skeleton, organs, blood vessels and muscles. All the things that Elizabeth Garrett Anderson would have had to have learnt about for her career in medicine.
For Science Week, Year 3 children were looking at the work of Marie Curie and radiation. Linking this to art the children produced drawings of X-rays and what might be seen if someone swallowed an object, like a marble. This would then show up in the oesophagus on the X-ray. Hand X-rays were also produced along with drawings of broken legs!
For Science Week year 4 were looking at Gerald Durrell who was a conservationist. We linked him, in our Art lesson to a book of his called ‘A Zoo in My Luggage’ and decided to draw the kind of animals that we would include in our luggage. We looked at the botanical Illustrator Maria Sibylla Merian who was also a Naturalist and Entomologist. Along with the artist and illustrator, Jim Jeffs for inspiration for our drawings.
Year 5 continued with the bee theme. creating their own work related to the artist Matt Willey. In an effort to raise awareness about the plight of bees he founded the Good of the Hive Initiative. An ambitious project to personally paint 50,000 bees in murals around the world.
Year 6 have linked their Artwork to Science week by looking at the drawings by artist Leonardo da Vinci and how he used science and anatomy. The all-important heart was very well observed.